Rock Climbing

I was at a beautiful resort in Cancun, Mexico. There were all kinds of activities including a rock climbing wall. It was positioned so that every time you went to the beach, you had to pass the wall. My stomach hurt every time I passed that wall. Just looking up at the top made me scared. I spent the days eating good, getting massages, even had my man by my side. But OH, the dread of the rock wall! It got me every time. About the third day, I got fed up. “I’m supposed to be enjoying my vacay, instead I’m out here letting a rock wall bully me around.”  

About the third day, I was doing one of my fav beach activities, napping. Except I couldn’t sleep because I was having so many fearful thoughts about that STANK rock wall. (Who do you think you are…you’re not a believer, you don’t have faith, you are afraid.)  

As I lay, something clicked in my spirit & I decided enough was enough. I jumped up out of my rest, went to my room, grabbed my sneakers & headed for the wall. I had to put an end to the shenanigans.  

My husband thought I was crazy, my stomach was in knots, my knees were shaking & I didn’t hear a word of the instructions but I wasn’t backing down. I climbed that wall. & You better believe I was quoting scripture the whole way. “I can do all things through Christ, I have power & authority, Bless the Lord…Oh my soul!” I made it to the top & rang the victory bell.   

To people watching, I was just a lady having fun. But to me, I was on the battlefield, a woman of faith on a mission to silence the enemy & reign victorious in my own life.  

That day I learned I don’t have to sit around & take whatever the devil dishes. I have a choice. I can do something about it. I can fight.  

Those thoughts the devil has been feeding you…you’ll never make it, people don’t like you, nobody cares…you don’t have to take it. You can do something about it. You can fight. You can do all things through Christ, you have power & authority over the enemy, God is on your side. What are you afraid of? It’s time for you to declare enough is enough! I pray boldness, strength & faith to be stirred in your spirit. Faith to get up & do something, to silence fear…faith to fight. You got this this! 


Mental Health